Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Incarceration of African American Males Essay

Introduction The trend of African American males between the ages of 25 and 29 has seen a dramatic increase of incarceration. Attention has been focusing on areas of housing, education, and healthcare but the most prominent problem for African American males is the increase in the incarceration rate. African American males between the ages of 25 and 29 incarceration rate has been thought, by many, to be caused by economic factors such as under employment or unemployment, poor housing, lack of education, and lack of healthcare. Yet, others believe it is due to the imbalance of minorities within the criminal justice system, such as judges, lawyers, and lawmakers. This paper will explore two different outlooks; society has come up with so far, as to why African American Males between the ages of 25 and 29 are increasingly incarcerated. Finally, the information will give awareness to the problems that is faced by African American Males between the ages of 25 and 29. Prevalence – Problem 1 More than 40% of all American prisoners, men and women, are African American men, yet they make up just 13% of the U. S. male population (Roberts, 2004). This statistic does not include those African American men who are in local jails nor does it include those African American men under custodial supervision (Table 2). They enter the state and federal prison system, at the prime of their economic and reproductive lives and yet they exit prison behind both economically and socially. The high rate of incarceration among African Americans has been noted by the interconnection of poor economy, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, absence of a strong black male role model, lack of access to education, or some type of combination of these factors. Statistics don’t even give African American males a good chance to stay out of jail. They have a one in four chance of being incarcerated, while Hispanic American males have a one in six chance, and white males only have a one in twenty three chance of incarceration. The color of African Americans sets them apart and makes them targetable. Prevalence – Problem 2 There is evidence, in our American Justice System, of structural inequality as seen in the percentages of minorities to the percentage of majorities employed in high ranking positions, within the system. The percentage of United States judges by race are 79% Caucasian, 12% African American, and 2% Hispanics American (Federal Judicial Center, 2012), as for the thousands of lawyers in the United States it is approximate of 3% are African American (National Law Group, 2010-2011), and about 1 in 4 police officers are members of a racial or ethnic minority in 2007 (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2013). An investigation into racial profiling showed that African American and Hispanic American offenders, who often are young unemployed males, are more likely than their white counterparts (Spohn, C., 2000). Their prison sentences are also typically longer or they receive differential benefits from guideline departures than do similarly situated white offenders (Spohn, C. , 2000). We must acknowledge the problems of racial disparity within the criminal justice system, communicate racial disparity within the criminal justice system with those we who are not informed of the problem, and stay committed to changing racial disparity within our justice system for change to begin. Causes In researching the high rate of incarceration in America it is more likely than not that the increase in African American Males being incarcerated is due to the War on Drugs (Table 1). It is public knowledge that drug crime ranks high among the effects of poverty. These poor neighborhoods not only endure crime they have poor schools, poor food, cramped living areas, and shortage of jobs if any jobs at all. Drugs and drug crime has become regularity in low income communities, arrests of Hispanics made up 55% of cocaine powder offences and 52% of marijuana offenses and 49% involving opiates: African Americans were suspected in 75% of crack cocaine cases; White males were suspected in 41% all methamphetamine cases (Motivans, M. , 2011). Decades of failed public and private remedies for chronic disparities and disadvantages in communities of color invite us to reexamine systems and institutions that provide and restrict opportunity in new ways (Lawrence, K. , 2011). The causes seem to be intertwined being poor equals, equals a poor education, equals lack of employment, and ultimately equals an increased rate of crime. Consequences The causes seem to be intertwined being poor, equals lack of education, which equals lack of employment, which equals increased rate of crime which equals impossibility to join criminal justice system. Also, many of these men are incarcerated while all the other non-incarcerated American young men are finishing school, starting careers, earning seniority at work, marrying and having children thus gaining capital. Even when released from prison, these men return back to their communities with a felony record that will pose extreme problems for them. The incarceration leads the released convict into a lower social class even if they were considered lower class Americans prior to their incarceration; they now are lower in social class standing in most instances. This leads to a poor African American community, perhaps as many as 50% of the male population will have been in prison. These incarcerated African American Males, who are in their prime of life, also are leaving half the families in this community facing such things as poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance abuse, violence, absence of a strong black male role model, lack of access to education, or some type of combination of these factors. The community ultimately will become poverty stricken, struggling to survive, and ultimately vulnerable to the situation repeating. Solutions – How can this be changed? There are four key aspects to addressing racial disparity, in my opinion: 1. Acknowledge 2. Communication 3. Setback = Strength 4. Commitment Not only is the problem of racial disparity under recognized by society it is not being communicated effectively to make change. Majority groups needs to acknowledge racial disparity and minority groups need to communicate their knowledge regarding racial disparity. As each group majority and minority begins to become share their information with each other and work together for a common solution acknowledging there will be setbacks but with continued commitment systemic change will happen. Conclusion By refusing to tolerate disparate treatment of people of color or anyone within the criminal justice system we empower ourselves and our country. It is time that everyone including our legislators, law enforcement, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges work collectively and courageously to eradicate this negative stigma. Despite, America being known for its equal rights we are living proof that in this era inequality is a factor that cannot be taken lightly. The statistics that are surrounding African American males is astounding. We need to empower African American males with the knowledge that they have a one in four chance of becoming incarcerated. It is also important to know that Hispanic males have a one in six chance, and white males have a one in twenty three chance of incarceration. All of these statistics need to be addressed to empower each and every one us. Throughout history we have not seen a change in majority groups (White, Male) and minority groups (Women, anyone that is not White) although we have seen numbers of minorities increasing at a fast pace. Today, however, the election of Barack Obama, not once but twice, may set the new ideal of what an American actually is. As we embrace different cultures and their ethnic backgrounds society will prosper. As society increases their knowledge, in regards to each person’s differences, they will acquire greater strength and prosperity. The only issue, that can occur, will be in the short term empowering others to embrace diversity. When we look beyond short-term, focus will shift to diverse empowerment through embracing the knowledge of our differences thus making us stronger as a society. TABLE 1: BLACK PROPORTION OF DRUG ARRESTS, EXCLUDING MARIJUANA POSSESSION YEAR BLACK % 1999 40. 1 2000 39. 3 2001 39. 1 2002 35. 8 2003 33. 8 2004 33. 1 2005 33. 2 Data calculated from drug arrest figures by race provided by the Uniform Crime Reports division of the FBI TABLE 2: FBI CRIME REPORT Arrests By Race, 2006 [11,249 agencies; 2006 estimated population 216,685,152] Total White Black American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific islander Total White Black American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific Islander TOTAL 10,437,620. 7270214 2924724 130589 112093 100. 0 69. 7 28 1. 3 1. 1 Drug abuse violations 1376192 875101 483886 8198 9607 1000 63. 6 35. 1 0. 6 0. 7 DUI’S 1034651 914226 95260 13484 11681 100 88. 4 9. 2 1. 3 1. 1 Liquor laws 466323 398068 50035 12831 5389 100 85. 4 10. 7 2. 8 1. 2 Drunken-ness 408439 344155 54113 7884 2287 100 84. 3 13. 2 1. 9 0. 6 Dis-orderly conduct 5117264 325991 179733 7606 3934 100 63. 0 34. 7 1. 5 0. 8 (The FBI: Uniform Crime Report, 2010) References Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2013, http://bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/index. cfm? ty=tp&tid=71 The FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 2010, Table 43, http://www. fbi. gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u. s/2010/crime-in-the-u. s. -2010/tables/table-43 Federal Judicial Center, 2012, Overview of the United States Court System, http://www. fjc. gov/public/pdf. nsf/lookup/FJC_Standard_PPT_English_June_2012. pdf/$file/FJC_Standard_PPT_English_June_2012. pdf Lawrence, K. , 2011, Race, Crime, and Punishment: Breaking the Connection in America, http://www. aspeninstitute. org/sites/default/files/content/docs/pubs/Race-Crime-Punishment. pdf Motivans, Mark, 2011, Washington, DC: US Dept. of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, http://bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/content/pub/pdf/fjs09. pdf National Law Group 2010-2011, http://blacklawyers. net/ Roberts, D. , 2004, Measuring the Social and Moral Cost of Mass Incarceration, in African American Communities, http://www. law. fsu. edu/faculty/2003-2004workshops/roberts. pdf Spohn,C. ,2000, Thirty Years of Sentencing Reform: The Quest for a Racially Neutral Sentencing Process, http://www. justicestudies. com/pubs/livelink3-1. pdf.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Impacts of Social Media Marketing Essay

With the emergence of internet-based social media it has made it possible for people to communicate with thousands of other people around the world about products and the companies that provide these goods and services to them. Accordingly, the impact of consumer to consumer communications has been tremendously heightened within the marketplace. Many people would argue that social media is a hybrid element for promoting a company and its products, considering that in the traditional sense it allows companies to speak directly to their customers, while in a nontraditional sense it enables customers to talk directly to one another. The information, timing, and volume of social media-based conversations that occur between consumers are outside of a managers’ direct control. This goes against any traditional integrated marketing communications where there is a high sense of control from the manager. Thus, it is the managers’ responsibility to learn how to shape a consumers discussion in a manner that is consistent with their organizations mission statement and performance goals (Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, 2009). Traditional Marketing Traditional marketing techniques involve direct mail, trade shows, television, radio broadcasting and social events which are still very prevalent and are still heavily used by many companies around the world to market products and the services offered by their companies. Marketing through television provides companies mass exposure to a wide array of individuals with a mass message. Many businesses don’t realize that television can often be one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising. The advantages of television are that it has everything needed to catch the attention of your projected audience: audio and visual. Community based television stations which are often looking for advertisers and are more willing to accommodate advertisers because of a less rigid schedule. Newspapers and classifieds are becoming increasingly popular and is a great way to target clients at a reasonable cost. The yellow pages have become a commonplace for companies who want to locate their specific business needs. Another way for businesses to market is with brochures, these are a great way of advertising a business. Depending on the type of business, brochures can be extremely useful. For a business that is in the industry of travel or tourism, brochures are a must, and there are multitudes of places where they can be displayed for customers to view. If a business is in a different type of industry it may be a little more difficult to find locations to display brochures, except to use them in mail drops, as handouts at trade shows and conventions, or for a direct mail out to potential customers. If a company is a manufacturer or supplier, it will need to provide their brochures to a distribution network. Brochures are a great way to market, but a company should make sure they are a cost-effective use of your time and investment, and if a company is going to produce brochures, they should know ahead of time how and where they will distribute them. Social Media Marketing Social media marketing represents low cost tools that are used to combine technology and social interaction with the use of words. These are typically internet based. Social media gives marketers a voice and allows them to communicate with their current customers and potential customers. Companies are able to personalize their brand and it gives them a way to spread their message in a relaxed and conversational way. Many people used to think Facebook was just for teens and young adults. Companies did not see much value for the social media site. That is all slowly changing though. Several companies are using Facebook to market their products and are seeing great success. Consider the following statistics provided between September 2008 and February 2009 the number of Facebook users between the ages of thirty five and forty four increased by 51%, user among the ages 45-54 jumped up 47 % and user ages 26-34 increased by 26 % more then half of Facebooks 140 million users are out of college. Clearly, social media is no longer just for the college student. Facebook is used as a marketing tool because it is easy to gain new clients, promote new products and services while offing deals and sales and staying in touch with your customers (Zarrella , 2009). Social media can be used to provide an identity for the products and services that a company has to offer. It can also create relationships using social media with people who might not otherwise know about a company’s products or services or what our companies represents. If a company wants new customers and retain their current ones they must establish a good relationship. Social media can be used to associate one’s self with their peers, which could be serving the same target market. It could also be used to communicate and provide an interaction with the consumers a company is looking for. Conclusion There are many advantages to using social media as a marketing tool for a company. However a company cannot just depend on social media alone to market their company, they must integrate it with other vehicles of marketing. While social media can create awareness for a company, it may not be the right form of advertising for a company. Companies must be consistent with any form of marketing that it chooses to use. The role that social media plays in the marketing of a company is to use it as a communication tool that allows a company access to those interested in their product and makes the company visible to those who do not know what services and products a particular company has to offer. It can be used as a tool to create a personality behind a company’s brand and create relationships that otherwise may never have happened. Social media cannot only create repeat-buyers for companies, but also customer loyalty. The fact that social media is so diversified and it can be used in several different ways, ways that best suit the interest and the needs of a company shows that it is a good source of marketing for any business (McAdams, Neslund & Zucker, 2008). The form of marketing that a company uses really comes down to what type of audience the company is trying to attract and what they can ultimately afford to spend on adverting and marketing for the company. Any of the marketing techniques work a company just has to be consistent with the form they choose to use. Social media marketing is the way of the future and is not going to go away anytime soon. References Zarrella , D. (2009). The social media marketing book. Kerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2009). Marketing. (9 ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin McAdams, T., Neslund, N., & Zucker, K. D. (2008). Law, business, and society. (Ninth ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Binary Phase Shift Keying BPSK Modulation Demodulation Computer Science Essay

Binary Phase Shift Keying BPSK Modulation Demodulation Computer Science Essay This experiment is based on the Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation/demodulation technique. The aim of the experiment is to gain familiarity with the components of a simple data transmission system, gain experience using an experimental communication system and studying its performance under the influence of white noise and also, to compare experimental results with theoretical deductions. Bandpass modulation, of which BPSK is a type, is a process whereby, a sinusoid usually called a carrier wave, is modulated or have its characteristics changed by a digital pulse baseband signal in other to enable wireless based transmission. In BPSK modulation, the phase of the carrier waveform is shifted to either 0Â ° or 180Â ° by the modulating data signal. To effectively model the transmission channel, the AWGN generator is used which adds the effect of noise to the signal at the receiver in other to properly characterise what obtains in real systems. SNR measurements are taken after the noise is added before the receiver and results of each stage of the experiment are presented. 2.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results obtained from the experiment and brief discussions are now presented. 2.1 The frequency of the waveform was measured to be 1.493kHz 2.2 The amplitude of the waveform was measured to be 3.608V 2.3 C:Documents and SettingsAGEBNIGADesktopLAB RESULTSPart 2.bmp Fig. 1: Square Waveform from NE555 timer circuit. The timer circuit produces a sequence of ones and zeros which together with the resistors and capacitor, produces a square waveform. It can be observed that the square top and bottom are not perfectly straight but with ripples, this is due to the resonance effect presented by the capacitor. Also, the rising pattern of the top is due to the voltage rise time in the capacitor. 2.4 The frequency of the message sequence is measured to be 374Hz 2.5 C:Documents and SettingsAGEBNIGALocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.WordPart 4 5.bmp Fig. 2: M essage sequence at the output of the frequency divider. The SN74LS74 integrated circuit implements a second order frequency divider, 2n (n=2). Hence the frequency of the timer circuit is divided by four. Hence, this is also evident in the frequency of the message sequence in 2.4 above. 2.6 The cut-off frequency of the 2nd order Butterworth low pass filter is given by; The cut-off frequency is the frequency at which the magnitude of the transfer function drops to 0.7071 of its maximum value which represents the point at which the power in the circuit is 3dB less than the maximum value. 2.7 The frequency of the sinusoid at the output of the filter was measured to be 1.328kHz. 2.8 C:Documents and SettingsAGEBNIGALocal SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.Wordpart 8.jpg Fig. 3: Output of the first and second Butterworth LPF. A B A – Output of first filter; B – Output of second filter The Butterworth lowpass filter is used to generate the sinusoidal carrier required for the baseband signal. The Butterworth filter has a gentle roll-off, has no ripple in the pass or stop band hence, it has a monotonic response. To maximise the smoothness of the sinusoid, we use two of such filters in series.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

KM at GlaxoSmithKline and McKinsey & Co Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

KM at GlaxoSmithKline and McKinsey & Co - Essay Example GSK by end-2005 was the world's third largest pharmaceutical company in terms of market capitalisation (85.5 billion) and is in the top tier of global industry competitors in turnover (21.7 billion), operating profits (6.9 billion), employees (over 100,000), products in development (149), and profitability (12 of 30 major products each had sales over 500 million) (GSK, 2006). GSK resulted from the 2000 merger between two English global healthcare businesses - Glaxo Wellcome plc and SmithKline Beecham plc -, and has its headquarters in London, two operational headquarters in the U.S., principal research and development (R&D) labs in the U.S., Japan, Italy, Spain, and Belgium, manufacturing plants in 37, operations in 119, and sales offices in 130 countries (GSK, 2006). Business competition and survival in the industry is characterised by getting the right number of products to the right markets at an affordable price and at the right time (Stiglitz, 2002, p. 224). Companies need to achieve efficiencies at all stages of each product's life cycle: from establishing the target strategy (which sickness to address and compounds to test), to testing and licensing (getting government approval takes years), commercialisation (where and how to sell, at what price, and which distribution network to use), and supply chain management (manufacturing and getting drugs to the patients who need them). Stiff competition from generics, rising product development costs, growing R&D failure rates, and increasing legal threats push GSK to develop drugs faster, safer, and more profitably. This is where KM initiatives are important. With over 100,000 employees - many among them top scientists that gave us retroviral drugs for HIV, vaccines for deadly hepatitis, medications for ulcers and erectile dysfunction, and Horlicks for nutrition - GSK is a repository of immense knowledge that can be shared efficiently and effectively. McKinsey & Company: An Overview McKinsey & Company is a privately held U.S.-based management consulting established in 1926 as an accounting and engineering analysis firm. The legendary Marvin Bower, Managing Director from 1950 to 1967, led its growth and development into a global power by transforming a small technical-oriented company into one of the most knowledge-based firms within the global management consulting industry (Edersheim, 2004). McK, with 2004 annual revenues of $3.5 billion and 11,500 staff working in 80 offices in 40 countries is highly profitable, has a strong brand image, and spends at least 10 percent of its annual revenues on managing and sharing knowledge. In comparison with other giants like IBM and Accenture, McK is the 8th largest in annual revenues (MCI, 2004). McK has been consistently recognised for developing knowledge workers through senior management leadership,

Use of force including terrorism Research Paper

Use of force including terrorism - Research Paper Example Terrorist activities include weapons that can achieve all the works that are targeted towards the people. Terrorism is found to the strategy that is adopted by the weaker group to form a conflict and gain what they desire.Being an asymmetric manner of use of force, it involves coercive power with all the benefits of military force given at a meager cost. Terrorist groups are of secretive nature and of relatively low strength. This makes it difficult for their opponents to defend them. Opponents of all terrorist groups struggle and fail to develop a working strategy against them. They cannot often locate the group and cannot therefore fight against them. Terrorists work on a strong motivation which cannot be taken off from their mind by any force. This motivation makes them use force; perform violence and bloodshed without any hesitation. Terrorism is also an effective way to use force and make a conflict as the adversaries often fail to understand the nature of the threat. They would mistake it as a criminal activity and do not undertake the right strategy that would help them fight these groups. Because of these special characteristics of terrorist activities, terrorism has become a popular and effective way of conflict for people who have kept extreme goals before them. No other strategy can make a minority achieve a special territory. Terrorism is the method of use of force adopted by the extremist groups around the globe. However, terrorism is certainly a nebulous strategy. Even the United States government is perplexed when it comes to the matter of terrorism. Recently, multiple attacks aimed at US have been thwarted by the authorities in different countries. Two explosive packages addressed to Chicago-area synagogues have been captured. The plot brings doubt that al-Qaida is launching yet another terrorist attack on US. The US President called the attacks a credible terrorist threat. The US policy of using force, however, is less effective in checking ter rorism. As per the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, law enforcement officers are legally entitled to use force. According to The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), there are five different components in using force: physical, electronic, chemical, impact and firearm. Terrorist attacks are also of different types. First is the type of attack that involves usage of weapons with mass destruction. Next is the kind of terrorist activity that includes weapons of extensive causality. Next type of terrorist activity involves weapons that give mass disruption. Different types of terrorist activities show different types of terrorist intentions. Weapons of mass destruction used by terrorists brings damage on buildings, bridges, cultural places, computer systems, networks, parks and other communication facilities. Such attacks would destroy the major structures of the society. Weapon of mass casualty brings extensive sicknesses and deaths. For example chemical and biological weapons bring mass causality. These types of weapons are termed as weapons of mass (extensive) destruction. These weapons cause economic, political and social damage to the society that is targeted. Moreover there are magnetic pulse weapons that are intended to destroy computer operation. Cyber terrorism makes the computer hacked thereby destroying major government records and economic records (bank records). Agro terrorism is the act of blocking or destroying food supplies, fuel supplies and other major supplies. Terrorist activities include weapons that can achieve all the works that are targeted towards the people. September 11 attack was one of that kind. The attack brought mass destruction of a major infrastructure of the nation (the World Trade Centre and Pentagon). It further brought about mass causality; almost 3000 people were killed. It also made mass disruption. Loss of finance (millions of dollars) because of the absence of World Trade Centre) was one such destruction. Fear of future attack, shutdown

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Retaining key employees in times of change Coursework

Retaining key employees in times of change - Coursework Example During such instances, the organization must assess suitable strategies to retain the employees. According to the article, the retention process rarely works if the company uses money only to persuade the employees. Since the retention process is mostly directed towards the high risk employees or the employees that could lead to major impact if they depart, other measures must be undertaken to ensure that the continued working of the organization is guaranteed in spite of the changes. Some changes pose challenges that money alone cannot address. Prior to the transition, the line managers must work together in determining the employees whose retention is critical. Some of the factors considered in determining critical employees in retention include those who exhibit exceptional institutional knowledge, technical expertise, and direct relationships with the management. Specifically, individuals involved in departments such as IT, finance, as well as the administrative sector have uniqu e knowledge concerning organizational systems therefore qualify to be in the retention list. These individuals are usually difficult to replace. Once the list of critical employees is created, the management then prioritizes them according to available retention strategies. This is important since not all individuals would be persuaded using certain incentives such as money. This implies that specific employees have unique requirements and money may not fulfill them.

Friday, July 26, 2019

SOCIALIZATION ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SOCIALIZATION ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Recent political upheavals have proved this point. Dictatorship has eventually failed – be it Germany or Libya, people rebelled against such oppression and domination and finally the new government form is a democracy. Freedom of the common man is of extreme importance. This is because society is governed by the culture, values, beliefs and traditions which are followed by persons residing in a particular area or region. Many art and art forms, religions, constitutional and civil rights and laws followed in a particular country are based depending on the culture and norms akin to a particular society. However, modernization in the twentieth century is widely regarded as a westernized system which has increasingly impacted the non – western society. The third world countries have started going for what the people regard as ethically better culture followed by the westerners. Take the case of English. The popularity of this language has spread so much that it is now among one of the official languages in most nations. To conclude, economic changes have spurred a change in the values, beliefs, traditions and rituals that people followed. There is a direct connection between economic development and systematic changes. People hailing from an economically advanced nation are more flexible to changes and their values reflect a change. These people are more tolerant, rational, participatory and trustworthy (Inglehart & Baker 19 –

Thursday, July 25, 2019

12 Angry men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

12 Angry men - Essay Example The courthouse of which the movie was filmed was filled with 12 men all who seem to be of the same race and of the same general age. It seems that the only difference between the jurors are their social and economic backgrounds which the movie had illustrated on it could influence a person’s mindset and judgment. For example, Juror 5 shared the â€Å"slum upbringing â€Å" as the young boy being charged, that allowed him to relate to his living conditions but other juror like Juror 4 seemed to judge the boy harshly based on where he was raised. Juror 4 even as far to say†¦ â€Å" If you live in slum you become slum†. These statements indicates the biases of the jurors due to their backgrounds that reflect in their faulty reasoning as well as their erroneous judgment. When these prior biases and prejudices were overcome however, the jury begins to realize the error in their reasoning that finally led them to vote for non-conviction of the boy. They are many reasoning and thinking errors in film. Some of the thinking errors identified in the movie, â€Å"12 angry men† was being closed-minded, being prejudice and being impatient. We identify these as thinking errors because it demonstrates how our faulty judgment just like the case of the jurors are influenced by their background to erroneously judge the case of the boy. As an example of the thinking error of being impatient was when one of the jurors does not want to engage in a lengthy discussion about the case for fear of running late for the baseball game. Another thinking error in the film was being closed-minded and prejudice. This was shown in the case of Juror 3 whose estranged relationship with his son affected his judgment in the case of wanting to convict the suspect just because of his strained relationship with his son. Another is juror 10 who is prejudiced against the slums dwellers as killers and people

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

P.O.S (Points of Sales system) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

P.O.S (Points of Sales system) - Essay Example POS System Requirements The system requirements will comprise of hardware and software. These specifications will vary in terms of the terminal either client or the server. POS Software There will be several software required to ensure smooth running of the system both at the client and server terminal. The POS application which makes the entire system functional will be internally developed. This is to ensure its customization to stores requirements and functionality. It will be installed in the serve terminal. The preferred platform will be windows 7 operating system. This is because of its user friendliness and compatibility with all software designed for windows.Access database will be used, due to the size of the business, to track inventory. QuickBooks2010 accounting software will be installed this will cater for the production of accounting reports. On the other hand, client computers will be installed withmagnetic and barcode data recognition software,credit card authorizatio n software, printers software, and windows 7 operating software. Furthermore, all the terminals will be connected to the server through the Local Area Network (LAN) and the Wide Area Network (WAN). This will enhance transmission of information between the terminals. Kaspersky antivirus 2011will be installed to all the terminals to enhance system security i.e. hacking and virus associated by networking. This antivirus is automatically updated through the internet. In addition, Ultra Exit 2M software will be installed in the sever computer to track burglary in the store. The Ultra Exit 2M will be mounted on the exit points to enhance security. POS Hardware Computers The retail store will have twelve client computersof Intel Core 2 duo, with 1 GB RAM, 1.5 GHz processor speed and a HDD of 80 GB. They will be the main primary sales transaction keying points and will be password controlled for individual clerks. The main data input will be digital, magnetic data and manually keyed data. O utput from the terminals will be generally sales receipts and terminal sales report. The server computer will serve as control and backup purposes to the terminal points. It will be anIntel Core i3; with 4 GB RAM, 3GHz processor speed and a HDD of 1TB.The outputs will involve sales reports, accounting reports such as inventory level analysis. Cash Drawer and Printer There will be receipt driven Dot matrixprinters with a tear bar and a locking cash drawer with plastic inserts which separates notes from coins at every client computer. The printers will serve to receive sales receipt data input from respective computers and output a hardcopy of sales receipt. Finally, as a control measure upon printing the receipt the cash drawer will open. Portable Bar code Scanner and Magnetic stripe reader These devices will be at every clerk desk to facilitate fast and accurate data input, and efficient customer service. Magnetic stripe will facilitate input of magnetic data from customer’sc redit cards to the POS system.Products within the store will have a unique bar code strip for easier identification. Therefore, bar code scanner will assist to match products with their bar codes and input their prices to the system. Wireless Payment System This will be meant to make payment by customers more effective, as they will

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

E-Marketing (The strengths and weaknesses of E-Advertising) Essay

E-Marketing (The strengths and weaknesses of E-Advertising) - Essay Example This essay is a critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of E-marketing. With the current developments in the Information Technology sector, it has become possible for businesses and organizations to conduct their businesses over the internet, a process that can be referred to as E-commerce (Hanson, 2000). This is facilitated by the accessibility of personal computers among the world’s population with internet connection which interfaces the suppliers with their customers through interactive websites, which enables the customers to make orders as well as to compare and to contrast the services offered by different vendors. Through their websites, the businesses are able to generate attention through the use of graphics that depict the true nature of the businesses for example by including photographs of the business premises, some of the products sold as well as the management teams among other important aspects of the business which may be helpful in building confidence in the buyers on the services offered (Reynolds, 2004). These help to create a picture on the customer’s mind on the credibility of the business, reason being that photographs communicate more on the image of the organization. Creating awareness is the main importance of advertising (Haegele, 2001). Through the internet, this goal has been achieved by businesses, which have exploited the global market at a cheaper price than the other media of advertising such as the yellow pages, through the mass media i.e. news papers and radio as well as Television etc. It is estimated that the price of creating a website is cheaper than the price of advertising on the yellow pages thus making it affordable to all types of businesses (Brown, 2006). With thousands of potential customers around the world using the internet for other purposes such as research, sending and receiving e-mails as well as communicating through chat rooms and entertainment, internet advertising offers the best

Courage Mother and her Children critique Essay Example for Free

Courage Mother and her Children critique Essay â€Å"Mother Courage and Her Children† by Bertolt Brecht took place during the 30 Years’ War in Europe. The whole play revolved around the survival of a lower class family, trying to live through the harsh war with their canteen wagon business. Each scene in the play contained the factors of religious, honesty, war, loyalty, and family. The theme of â€Å"Mother Courage and Her Children† was maternity, due to the fact that Mother Courage’s sense of coldhearted business caused her become unable to protect her children, which led to their deaths, leaving her all alone in the end. Mother Courage was always doing business while each of her children died during the play. This shows that she was more interested in her business and money than her own children, and an example of this can be seen when her thirst for money had caused Swiss to die because she took too long to decide whether or not to trade her money in for her son’s life. Mother Courage was the protagonist in the play, while the war was the antagonist. The war caused Mother Courage to base her living on it. Due to the fact that they were living during a war, this caused Mother Courage to be so focused on making money, that she ended up neglecting her children. It also caused her to be unable to watch her daughter get married, since Kattrin could only get married when peace returned and the war ended. War is also the antagonist, due to the fact that is also caused Mother Courage to lose her sons as well. The play was a tragedy because in it, Mother Courage’s children all perished, and she was left all alone in the end. In the play, Bretch assigned each of Mother Courage’s children with a â€Å"tragic flaw† as a result of her failure to learn to choose family over business. The tragedies that Mother Courage’s children suffered throughout the play were Swiss, with honesty, Eilif, with arrogance, and Kattrin, with pity. Mother Courage had to go through suffering of the death of each of her children one by one and was unable to do anything about it. The set of the play was a major contribution to the play. The use of a proscenium stage was the best fit for this type of play since it allowed the audiences to focus on the center of the stage where Mother Courage’s wagon was. Mother Courage’s family always moved around. However, their wagon was still placed at nearly the same spot on the stage, which tells the audience that they were not moving anywhere because no matter where they moved to, they still faced the same struggles and hardships. Even though the setting mostly remained the same from scene to scene, backgrounds changed from one scene to another, which allowed the audience to know that the scene was taking place in a different location. There was almost always the same lighting throughout the whole play. The only thing that changed about the lights was the brightness; the lights were brighter during the day and dimmer at night. There were some spotlights. However, it only appeared upon the actors who came before each scene, in order to tell the audience what will happen in the upcoming scene. The lighting of â€Å"Mother Courage Mother and Her Children,† was different from the other play that I went to. Usually lights would go off when changing from one scene to another, so that characters were able to get on and off stage, in order to prepare the set for the scene. However, in this play, the lights were still on during scene transitions. Bretch made pulling the wagon in and out of the stage as an exit and enter for each scene, which didn’t require the actors to quickly change settings for different scenes. The background sound of gunshots and bombs that were playing throughout the play allowed the audience to feel as if the war was actually taking place during the play. The gunshots sounded very loud, making the audience feel as if it was nearby. Without the sounds, the audience would not have been able to feel the mood of the war. Sounds of gunshots added more effects to the mood of war, giving the audience an the image of how deadly the war was. The play was a musical play, since there were many parts where Mother Courage and some singers in the background sang and played instruments. The entrance to the play was also a song that expressed the mood and feeling of the war. Mother courage sang in almost every scene, to express her feelings. She also sang in the last part of the play when Kattrin died. The costumes of the play reflected the life of the characters in the play. The costumes did not really tell the time period in which the play took place because the characters were just wearing normal types of rural clothes that had many layers, and were attached with many pieces of fabric. The characters in the play had the same outfit throughout the whole play, and this outfit not only showed their poverty, but also the condition of life during the war, due to the fact that they were unable to have clothes to change into. The many layers of clothes worn were everything that the characters owned, and this showed their struggles, due to the fact that they are unable to buy any new clothes. Overall, the play was easy to understand because it was in modern English and there were no accent in the characters’ pronunciation, which allowed the audience to understand what the characters were saying. Mother Courage struggled throughout her life with her business and children, but ended up with nothing due to the war, in which she was favoring. The war had brought Mother Courage the business she needed, but took away her children one by one.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A research paper on cocaine Essay Example for Free

A research paper on cocaine Essay Grown in the countries of South America, with Columbia being the most productive, the Erythroxylon Coca bush is the natural origin of cocaine, a central nervous stimulant. Its history is as rich and diverse as the people using and dealing the drug. Cocaine use dates as far back as the 16th century when it was used among Inca royalty. In the early 1800s cocaine was introduced to Europe. Sigmond Freud wrote a song in its honor and famous author Robert Louis Stevenson wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde during a six -day cocaine binge. In the early 1900s cocaine was available to consumers over the counter. Its medicinal value was a relief for toothaches and congestion. Parke Davis advised their consumers of the effects of cocaine by stating that it could make the coward brave, the silent eloquent, and render the sufferer insensitive to pain. The use of cocaine found its way into other products like wine and the most famous of all, Coca Cola. Early production of Coca Cola contained 60mg of cocaine. Today, the popular soft drink still uses the leaves of the Coco Bush for flavor but the illicit drug has been removed ( The resurrection of cocaine use as a recreational drug began in the 1960s, and was used mostly among the affluent because of its price. Movie stars, sport stars and the like give cocaine its mystique and draw; psychological and physical effects make it addictive. Changes in form and price make cocaine far more accessible and affordable. Today, there is no clear connection between the use of cocaine and education, occupation or socioeconomic status. Cocaine is generally sold as a hydrochloride salt, a fine white powder substance that is commonly referred to as snow, coke or blow. Street dealers of cocaine commonly dilute, or cut the drug with similar looking substances like talcum powder or with active local anesthetics and even sometimes with other stimulants like amphetamines. The purity of street cocaine, powder form, is about 75 percent. When the impurities of this form are removed, it is known as freebase or crack cocaine. Crack cocaine  is easier to find and less expensive to buy. Cocaine in any form can be found in almost every town and city. Research studies done in 1999 showed cocaine is used by over 3.7 million Americans 12 years old and over, with the highest rate among people 18 and 25 years of age. The use among people 35 years and older also continues to rise ( The effects of cocaine depend on the route of administration, the amount of consumption, the users past experience, and the circumstances under which its taken. The major routes of administration are snorting, injecting, and smoking. Snorting is inhaling the powder form through the nasal cavity. The drug enters the bloodstream through the nasal tissues. Injecting cocaine is using a syringe to release the drug directly into the bloodstream. Smoking cocaine is inhaling the cocaine vapors or smoke delivering large quantities to the lungs where it then enters the bloodstream as quickly as injecting. Cocaine interferes with the re-absorption process of dopamine that is a chemical messenger of pleasure to the brain. The effects are instant and intense but not long lasting ( The short -term effects usually make the user fell euphoric, energetic, and alert to their senses. It can decrease your anxiety and heighten your sexuality. Crack users have described the rush as a whole body orgasm. Or, a user can feel anxious or panic-stricken. The drug is a parody of heaven and hell. Often times the cocaine user craves other drugs. These symptoms appear quickly and disappear within a few minutes or a few hours. Physically, a persons blood pressure, body temperature, heartbeat, and breathing accelerate, along with pupil dialation. In larger amounts the side effects intensify. The high might include feelings of paranoia, vertigo, and muscle twitches and physically a user might experience chest pains, nausea, blurred vision. Over time with continued use, the effects of cocaine gradually change. Irritability, restlessness, insomnia and paranoia replace the euphoria. Physically, the long- term user will lose interest in sex and lose weight. Those who snort the drug wear out their nasal septum while those who inject it risk the chance of contracting hepatitis or AIDS. Cocaine related deaths  are often a result of cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory arrest. Over time, to the users tolerance, the drug will build. To achieve the same effects as that of early usage requires larger doses of the drug. The user becomes psychologically dependent. The drug becomes pivotal to their thoughts, feelings and their daily activities. Cocaine just made you feel really good. Then after you get done feeling really good then you start to get a Superman ego and thats the beginning of the end. (Drug Wars; A Frontline, PBS Production) Often times, cocaine addicts develop an illicit lifestyle to keep up with their drug habit. Cocaines influence leads a user to stealing from family, friends and even employers. The lifestyle of addicts becomes as corrupt as the organizations that produce and supply the product. Cocaines addiction has two sides: the love of the high and the love of the money. The US Government has estimated that cocaine trafficking takes nearly $80 billion a year out of our economy. In 1990, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) estimated about 20 Colombian organizations controlled most of Americas cocaine supply. Annual revenues of the Colombian drug trade have been estimated to be 5 billion dollars. The drug cartels existing today control every phase of the drug trafficking business. They manufacture, transport, distribute, and finance cocaine. Like many large corporations, the business involves bankers, accountants, and lawyers, wholesalers and retailers. More special to this business the cartel payroll also includes chemists, pilots and enforcers of security ( The cartels are structured in layers, at the center is the cartel manager or kingpin. Information shared among the members of the cartel is highly secularized. Only a choice few are privy to all the workings of the cartel. Those employees holding positions in the outer layers of the organization (the lawyers, accountants, bankers, and enforcers) reap the financial benefits of serving their bosses but are strictly put on a need to know basis. Cartels operating in the United States are referred to as cells which are self contained organized units. The Medillin Cartel was the first known, successful cartel of cocaine  traffickers coming from Colombia. It was established in 1978 and lead by Carlos Lehder. It used violence and intimidation to stay one step ahead of the justice system. The cartel bribed police officers with money or threatened them with death if they did not honor the cartel and look the other way when they did business. The Medellin Cartel was taken down in March of 1984. Carlos Lehder was arrested in 1987, tried in the United States and sentenced to 135 years without the possibility of parole. George Jungs, the Medillin Cartels American contact, testimony against Lehder assured his conviction. In the 1990s, on the heels of the Medillin, came the Cali Cartel. They are responsible for 70-80 percent of the cocaine coming into the United States and 90 percent of that entering Europe. Instead of violence and intimidation like their counter parts, the Cali operated their business using a subtle approach. Law enforcement has had difficulty in closing the Cali operations for many reasons. Their structure is different from that of the Medillin, as is their methods of smuggling. They are much more conservative. They only sell to people they know. The home office, which is the CEO and vice presidents, coordinate the cells. The cells contact the buyers usually by cellular phone or pager and arrange the time and place to distribute the drugs. Payment is made at the second meeting. When the deal is done, the home office is contacted and accurate records are kept by both ( While the Colombians may monopolize the cocaine market, there are similar organizations in other countries. The Triads and Tongs of China, La Compania of Cuba, and the Yakuza of Japan are some other major drug trafficking organizations. They have successfully invested into legitimate American business. The one thing they all have in common: United States of America as a client base ( Cocaine touches many people on a variety of levels. It can completely change a persons personality, for the worse. It spins a web of deceit and destruction. Physically and mentally the drug tricks you from recognizing reality. Euphoria tricks you into believing that the high is good, all the while the time bomb is ticking. Blowing up your mind is just a matter of time. Works Cited Bailey, William J. Factline on Cocaine. 1995: Heller, Matthew. Addicted to Love. Los Angeles Magazine. Sept. 1999. No Author Given. No Author Given.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The significance of management information systems

The significance of management information systems Introduction: It is said that Modern economy is economy of knowledge the one who are advance in specific information and communication technology continue to transform the competitive goals into reality. Information technology has completely changed the position of business now the ways are completely changed from traditional to internet based information systems. It included the information required during communications, transactions, production of goods, provision of services and operational management. Organizations resources must be quite efficient and effective to meet the needs for competition. All the management of organizational and business processes, required level of knowledge about customers needs, and it should be capable to put that information to right department with organization on time that can produce quick response to changes in business environment. It is issue that the manager should have deep understanding of how to use information and technology to support and then to mana ge the organizational and business processes accordingly to meet get the competitive advantages. This assignment makes discussion over the role of information technology in supporting organization strategy, application of information systems, use of this information system to support business processes. It also discuses role of information system in the process of operations, manufacturing, cost management, quality. It will also cover the activities to build effective information system. In this assignment we will also examine the alternative information system; we will look into current technologies and their use in marketing. At and before making conclusion we will make a analysis about the use of data base for marketing by e-marketing and e-Commerce. Later we will make a link between the use of all new modern information systems and marketing techniques to the planning of business especially the developing business. Because it is all about adopting a solid practical approach while adopting new information systems so that business could grow and it can bring profits to the investors. 1: Significance of Traditional and internet based information system. Information system can be defined as information system,  an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, processing, and communicating information. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010) It further says that Business firms, other organizations, and individuals in contemporary society rely on information systems to manage their operations, compete in the marketplace, supply services, and augment personal lives. For instance, modern corporations rely on computerized information systems to process financial accounts and manage human resources; municipal governments rely on information systems to provide basic services to its citizens; and individuals use information systems to study, shop, bank, and invest. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010) It is very clear that all kind of human activities these days rely on information and it is perfectly said as age of information. The existing information system can be easily divided into two main groups one is traditional way of information and other is internet based information system. We can put following ways of information into traditional information system: Direct Books Letters Newspapers Gazettes Journals Reports While the internet based information includes Websites Blogs E-newspapers and journals Emails Both the traditional and internet based systems have different and unique importance in business. Both have advantages and disadvantages over each other. They can not be put into same level of importance while we see into their different use according to needs of the business. They both can be placed on equal importance level that varies from one situation to other. There are situations where one can be preferred over the other easily. Traditional system is effective where in-formations are required for all time anywhere in all circumstances without facing the problem of electricity cuts and internet availability. While internet based system is effective where the issue of time is important factor and there is requirement of fastest delivery of information. 2: Use of Information system in operations, manufacturing, cost management, quality. Now a days information system is more important and integral part of business. Information system is a greatest tool for acquiring competitive advantage over the market competitors. If it is use effectively during all the business process from planning to quality assessment it can bring amazing fruits to the organizations. A successful organization requires understanding of organization behavior, leadership and management, societal, ethical and legal issues, relationship management, and strategic management. Operations management focuses on managing the processes of production and distribution of products and services. Major, overall activities often include product creation, development, production and distribution. Related activities include managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage, logistics and evaluations. An effective information flow on time is a key in all the operation process if one thing is delayed all can go into waste or delays in production which can bring cost to the organization. A great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Therefore, operations management often includes substantial measurement and analysis of internal processes. Information system always plays key role in all operations and without continuous flow of right information at right time one can not complete operation effectively. There should be always a focus on flow of information through effective information system or systems while conducting operations for successful businesses. Manufacturing is another important issue in a business the perfect information systems brings quality and accuracy in manufacturing its noticed that all business organization always take great care during manufacturing because when dealing products its the product at end which bring profits to the investors. What are the details of product being manufactured and what processes will be followed play important role the information system of the organizations decide the right move at right time and try to win the advantages. Quality is always the advantage that can be crucial in markets. The issue of quality also depends on the flow of right information at right time for an organization. If there is problem with right information or its delivery to related people on right time it can bring problems for organization. Overall what the process is being implemented the role of information and its right time delivery play vital role in business success and should be taken seriously whether its the process of operations, manufacturing or its about the quality concern. 3: Information System Role in competitive advantage and management. Information system is deciding factor in the business success for any company or organization. Whether it is providing product or it is giving services. If an organization has effective flow or right information with in organization that is right at right time and managers are abele to control it properly that brings the advantage to that business in the competition with other competitors. But if that system of information fails at any stage it brings decline in profits and earnings. Similarly a good management is always equipped with quality of information and it knows how to in place that information while doing their job from planning phase to making overview at end of year about the business performance. 4: Activities to build information system. The activities include in a building of an effective information system are inputting data, processing of that data into information, storage of data and information, then the production of outputs such as management reports. This needs a proper system which consists of following systems Decision Support System, implementation system and monitoring system. A manager should keep closer monitoring and liaison with his colleagues during all the process and activities so that he could control the flow of information according to needs. These activates can be arranged as following:- Problem recognition and specification Information gathering Requirements specification for the new system System design System construction System implementation Review and maintenance 5: Alternative systems of information. Alternative system for information are all those new and innovative fast systems of information delivery and safety which are replacing the traditional systems of information like direct information, newspapers, books documents etc. In modern world these alternative systems include systems which are based on new technologies like internet, phones, computing gadgets (i-phone, i-pad, multi media and data books). These systems can be categories according to their effectiveness and advancement. 6: Current technology and their use in marketing and data mining. Due to the explosion of information systems, businesses progressively have the ability to attract higher numbers of customer data in large databases. However, much of the useful marketing insights into customer characteristics and their purchase patterns are largely hidden and untapped. Current emphasis on customer relationship management makes the marketing function an ideal application area to greatly benefit from the use of data mining tools for decision support. A systematic methodology with use of new technologies can be used to manage the marketing and data mining. This methodology can be the basis for enhancing customer relationship management. This technology includes internet, telecommunication, and computing. In modern time there is growing and expanded use of these three tools in marketing and data mining. As we can found many ways of advertising and marketing as websites, advertisement on different websites, similarly there are is different software for data mining which making things more easy. 7: Use of data base for marketing by e-marketing and eCommerce. Internet marketing is Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies. These digital technologies include Internet media such as web sites and e-mail as well as other digital media such as wireless or mobile and media for delivering digital Television like cable and satellite. E-Marketing is gaining more influence on consumers buying decisions and televisions influence on awareness is decreasing. E-Marketing gets you closer to customers by creating a dialogue, asking questions and learning about customers preferences. E-Marketing is about people and making sure that the process, like all marketing, is people orientated far too many times it is producer or technology orientated and businesses wonder why it doesnt work. Before the internet, consumer purchases were restricted by time, geography, location, and physical store space. In the digital economy, buying is unlimited by these constrictions. But internet brought the revolution and it brought market in the rooms. On other hand Electronic commerce or E-Commerce is buying and selling products or services over the Internet. The meaning of electronic commerce has changed over the last three decades. Originally, electronic commerce meant technology such as Electronic Data Interchange and Electronic Funds Transfer. E-Commerce has lowered barriers to entry in the selling of many types of goods and services as it allows small and medium sized businesses to compete the web is not the high street. Data is central thing in both the e-marketing and e-commerce because it is the tool that connects buyer and sellers. Data base is the availability of specific data which required operating the process of e-marketing and e-commerce. There is a systematic way to organize that data on networking and internet. This required latest computer technology which could fast and effectively handle all the data flow and processing so that all marketing, buying selling could be made profitable. Conclusion: During the past two decades, business managers and scholastic researchers have shown significant curiosity in understanding how information technologies can help to create competitive advantage for a business. Recently idea of competitive differentiation through IT has become a challenge. Specifically, it is argued that by demarcating specific types of capabilities, we can put in to better understanding of the sources of IT-based competitive advantage. Theoretically, we distinguish here between value, competitive, and dynamic capabilities as three distinct types of capabilities. The study tells that information system play vital role in the process of management and planning and developing business can grow only bye the adaptation of effective use of these modern technologies which shape these systems. Whether its about the business or marketing of that business planning is key factor that makes a business success or failure. So it is very important for firms to adopt such policy whi le planning the business that they could effectively benefit from these modern technologies and methods of information systems. At the end its all about the good planning through effective and suitable information system that bring a business into success or failure.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Labor Law Essay -- Legal Issues, Employment

Introduction Employment law or labour law as it is historically concerns regulations in the workplace. That is, it creates rights and responsibilities in the employment relationship, between employers and employees. It is often suggested that it relates to a cycle, an ever-revolving motion involving three tasks – creating, maintaining and terminating employment. â€Å"Creating employment involves recruitment and selection of employees, maintaining employment involves contractual terms and conditions or statutory rights and terminating employment includes dismissals and potential litigation† (Hardy and Upex, 2006, p.1). Therefore, â€Å"employment law forms the large body of laws, administrative rulings and precedents which comprises all areas of the employer or employee relationship† (Haynes and Boone, 2002). In the sphere of individual employment law, the Employment Rights Act (ERA) 1996 is the primary legislation dealing with, inter alia, the law relating to: unfair dismissal; redundancy; notice rights; protection of wages; protected disclosure; time of work; maternity, adoption and parental leave. At the collective level, the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA) and the Employment relations Acts 1999 and 2004 (ERelAct) concerns, inter alia, the law governing trade unions, their relationship with their members and employers, industrial action and collective bargaining, including important area of the statutory recognition of trade unions contained in Schedule A1 of the Act. Employment law issues at Fresco Supermarket Though no much information is given in concern of Fresco employment issues, this civil case will be based on the law of tort where a wrong of negligence is evident. If an employee is injure... ...and succumbed to a psychological illness. Conclusion From the above cases laws and facts argued, personal injuries at Fresco Supermarket are witnessed during work to their employee Alan. This resulted from a client coming to shop on a scooter. Consequently Alan suffers a psychological illness caused by both personal injuries and discrimination or harassment by the co-workers; and worst still on reporting to the manger no action is taken. These are evidenced by the weight loss and strange behavior Alan demonstrated after the accident. Moreover, he has also succumbed to a job loss therefore he needs to be compensated for loss. Basing my advice on the facts, Alan has sustained a personal injury thus he deserves to be compensated for general damages that resulted from any personal injury sustained and special damages as compensation for actual financial loss. Labor Law Essay -- Legal Issues, Employment Introduction Employment law or labour law as it is historically concerns regulations in the workplace. That is, it creates rights and responsibilities in the employment relationship, between employers and employees. It is often suggested that it relates to a cycle, an ever-revolving motion involving three tasks – creating, maintaining and terminating employment. â€Å"Creating employment involves recruitment and selection of employees, maintaining employment involves contractual terms and conditions or statutory rights and terminating employment includes dismissals and potential litigation† (Hardy and Upex, 2006, p.1). Therefore, â€Å"employment law forms the large body of laws, administrative rulings and precedents which comprises all areas of the employer or employee relationship† (Haynes and Boone, 2002). In the sphere of individual employment law, the Employment Rights Act (ERA) 1996 is the primary legislation dealing with, inter alia, the law relating to: unfair dismissal; redundancy; notice rights; protection of wages; protected disclosure; time of work; maternity, adoption and parental leave. At the collective level, the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA) and the Employment relations Acts 1999 and 2004 (ERelAct) concerns, inter alia, the law governing trade unions, their relationship with their members and employers, industrial action and collective bargaining, including important area of the statutory recognition of trade unions contained in Schedule A1 of the Act. Employment law issues at Fresco Supermarket Though no much information is given in concern of Fresco employment issues, this civil case will be based on the law of tort where a wrong of negligence is evident. If an employee is injure... ...and succumbed to a psychological illness. Conclusion From the above cases laws and facts argued, personal injuries at Fresco Supermarket are witnessed during work to their employee Alan. This resulted from a client coming to shop on a scooter. Consequently Alan suffers a psychological illness caused by both personal injuries and discrimination or harassment by the co-workers; and worst still on reporting to the manger no action is taken. These are evidenced by the weight loss and strange behavior Alan demonstrated after the accident. Moreover, he has also succumbed to a job loss therefore he needs to be compensated for loss. Basing my advice on the facts, Alan has sustained a personal injury thus he deserves to be compensated for general damages that resulted from any personal injury sustained and special damages as compensation for actual financial loss.

The Power of a Front-Yard Garden Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research

The Power of a Front-Yard Garden Instructor’s comment: This student worked hard to forge a straightforward journalistic style that was supple enough to accommodate moments of poetic perception. This essay is a beautiful piece. Written with hard-won simplicity, it’s alive with images, and brimming with information about the possibilities of front-yard gardening. They were out there almost every day. Not always the same ones. Once, a line of preschoolers came by. Holding hands in twos, name tags swinging from bright bits of yarn, they stopped and turned with military precision. Wide-eyed, they peered through the bars of the wrought iron fence to watch. This time, I looked up to see a mom and two little girls. I was pruning the lavender. â€Å"Hi! What’s this spiky green stuff? Look, little blue flowers!† As I broke off a prickly, pungent sprig of rosemary and held it out to them, I had to smile. I’d made a lot of friends while working this bit of ground. I was about to make three more. My front-yard garden didn’t grow friendships in the beginning. I still hear the disbelieving voices of my neighbors, on the day I marched out to do murder with a pitchfork and shovel. â€Å"You’re going to do what? Take out the lawn!† The Lawn: icon of gracious living, verdant goddess of suburban virtue. Gardeners pay weekly homage to it. Teen-age sons are indentured to it. Nothing spells success quite so well as that unwalkable surface of emerald velvet fronting a house. The lawn marks the difference between Us and Them. What would happen to a nice neighborhood if someone just up and decided to rip out the front lawn? Questions hung in the pale winter sunshine. My neighbors eyed me, wincing each time a shovel full ... ... Some came to ask for cuttings. They made their own changes. A lavender border edged a drive. A waterfall of prostrate rosemary cascaded from a planter box. Ideas blossomed from such small changes. Xeriscaping was becoming popular. Three more people actually removed their turf. In one drought-tolerant planting, a dry creek of river-rock wound its way through native perennials. Another front garden featured an old-fashioned wood glider-swing under a vine-covered trellis. My own garden continued to flourish. The neighbors came often. Smiles had replaced their worried frowns. Bob tumbled the walls of Jericho one morning when he brought his granddaughter to see the hummingbirds. Tiny Sarah said her first word there. â€Å"Kitty,† she pronounced. She stroked a furry leaf of peppermint geranium and nodded, brown curls bobbing. Laughing, she repeated, â€Å"Kitty.†

Friday, July 19, 2019

Financial Report of Loewen Group Inc. Essay -- Finances Accounting Bus

Financial Report of Loewen Group Inc. The Loewen Group Inc. was founded in 1969. The company has two major headquarters in North America, one in Burnaby, British Colombia and a second in Cincinnati, Ohio. Loewen Group Inc. (L.G.I.) is the largest funeral services enterprise in Canada and is the second largest company in the North American Funeral Services Industry. L.G.I. owns 918 funeral homes and 269 cemeteries and also engages in the pre-need selling of funeral services including cemetery and cremation services. The company strives on respecting its Eagle Principle, which is displayed on the first page of its 1995 Annual Report: "To soar to heights of possibilities one needs two equally healthy, strong wings - one being that of people or service concerns, the other that of responsible planning and fiscal management. It is the balance of these wings that enables the eagle to soar beyond all heights"1 In 1995, the company defended itself against two major lawsuits, as well as continued to negotiate acquisition agreements. The Loewen Group Inc. stresses that once an acquisition has been completed, local management is encouraged to remain and offers long term contracts to its key employees, rarely dismissing the other employees. L.G.I. provides many services to its acquired companies including offering training to new employees on its management information systems and covering costs for any renovations which are needed on the acquired locations. Each funeral home and cemetery is operated as a distinct profit centre, with monthly and annual financial performance monitored by regional and corporate management in accordance with budgeted projections. This report includes a study of The Canadian Funeral Services Industry practices, a review of the take-over attempt by Service Corporation International, an analysis of the Loewen Group Inc. 1995 Annual Report for the period ending December 31, 1995, and examination of the revenue recognition practices used by L.G.I.. The Funeral Services Industry According to a paper issued in August 1995, by Statistics Canada's Services, Science and technology Division Final Purchase, Growing Demand: The Canadian Funeral Services Industry, the funeral services industry, in comparison to other industries, has historically been considered a low risk industry. The Fu... ...adian Funeral Services Industry. APPENDIX D: Total Revenue of the Funeral Services Industry by Sector Source: p.4 of Final Purchase, Growing Demand The Canadian Funeral Services Industry. APPENDIX E: The Scott Formula (Expressed in thousands of U.S. Dollars) 1995 1994 Symbols Total assets 2262980 1326275 A Total liabilities 1648298 915136 L Total equity 614682 411139 E Total revenue 599939 417328 REV Net income (76684) 38494 NI Interest expense 50913 34203 INT Income tax rate (38.1) % 33.9 % TR After-tax interest expense 50913 * 1.381 = 70311 34203 * .661 = 22608 ATI = INT (1 - TR) ROE (return on equity) (76684) / 614682 = (0.125) 38494 / 411139 = 0.094 NI / E SR (sales return before interest) [(76684) + 70311] / 599939 = (0.011) [38494 + 22608] / 417328 = 0.146 [NI + ATI] / REV AT (asset turnover) 599939 / 2262980 = 0.265 417328 / 1326275 = 0.315 REV / A ROA (return on assets) [(76684) + 70311] / 2262980 = (0.003) [38494 + 22608] / 1326275 = 0.046 [NI + ATI] / A IN (average interest rate after tax) 70311 / 1648298 = 0.043 22608 / 915136 = 0.025 ATI / L D / E (debt-equity ratio) 1648298 / 614682 = 2.682 915136 / 411139 = 2.226 L / E

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Police Deviance And Accountability Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The ethically ideal police system would be one with integrity and nothing puzzling about it (i.e., there would be neither corruption nor misconduct). There would be no us-against-them and no disrespect for the limits of the law or how it’s enforced. Everything done in private would be just as if it was done in public.† (Anonymous)   This is the probably an interesting view of one’s vision for the police. Can this be achieved? is a question of utmost importance. The issue of police misbehavior is a limiting factor in this dream of such an ideal police force. Police deviance is a generic description of police officers activities that are inconsistent with the officer’s legal authority, organizational authority and standards of ethical conduct. Who then polices our police or what effective measures have been put in place to curb deviance among the police. The problem of police deviance is seen in the core values of the police and modifying internal review processes would be effective in controlling deviance amongst the police such as allowing civilians interference into the internal review processes of the police force. Following Nelligan and Taylor (1994: 59), who wrote that â€Å"should police work be reorganized, patterns of misconduct are likely to change† The actions of the police officers are controlled by a number of different rules and regulations which are written down in the criminal code and various police acts, some are undocumented and exist in the expectation the police department and society at large dictates for its officers. Police deviance is defined as a behavior that is inconsistent with the norms, values or ethics from either societal standpoint. It has thus been described as a much broader term than corruption. The criminal code, which contains policing rules and precepts regarding the use of deadly force and policing, rules. The police act adds rules governing neglect of duty, insubordination, discreditable conduct dressing .The society also has its own rules not formally stated but socially accepted and expected by citizens from officers such as police-citizen interaction, and maintenance of certain ethical standards. Any action that violates such laws is termed as police deviance. Ross (2003) sees police misbehaviors in two lights i.e. the officer willfully violating the law and the agency tolerating it. Deviance has been placed on the standard of police behavior, which can be derived from 3 perspectives i.e. ethical, organizational and legal. Ethical standards involve the police officers personal standards of moral integrity and responsibility. Organizational standards are the standards published by the police departments, police boards and commissions. Legal standards involve the laws of the community.   How Does Deviance in the Force Arise The Sherman typology distinguishes between levels of corruption that exist at different levels of the police department. The Rotten apple, rotten pocket theory holds that some police officers where deviant before joining the force and upon admission into the force became the deviant ones in the police. The pervasive unorganized theory holds that there are deviant police officers within the force with no specific pattern of organization. While the pervasive organized theory holds that there are deviant police officers with a specific pattern of organization. Whatever the origin of deviance, public safety cannot be assured and much of the deviance is seen due to lack of proper monitoring or effective control of internal systems and as such creates a free environment for the deviant officers to continue in their acts as seen in this story of Arthur McDuffie, an African American, was riding his motorcycle in Miami, when according to police reports; he popped a wheelie, gave a cop the finger, and sped away. More than a dozen Miami patrol cars gave chase. When caught, at least six white officers jumped him, splitting open his skull. He died four days later. It came out at trial that the police fabricated an explanation that he fell; splitting his head, of his own accord, but an all-white jury acquitted the officers. Three days of racial rioting erupted.    REASONS FOR POLICE DEVIANCE The Sherman’s (1974) typology of police deviance attributed 8 factors responsible for police deviance. The large number of police officers thus increasing the number of deviants A lack of direct supervision, especially seen among police patrol where the police superiors or public are unaware of what’s going on. The complex task of policing which incorporates law enforcement, order maintenance and service functions and placing strict limits on the power of the police leading to misconduct. Both the discretionary power of the police and the nature of the work provide police officers with numerous opportunities to partake in deviant behaviors. Contacts formed during the course of work with deviant and criminal subcultures can introduce the officer to deviance Code of secrecy that exists and leads to a cover-up of deviant behavior as well as new recruits been initiated to such a system. Police managers are part of the police subculture, having worked their way up the ranks Police officers have a mentality of being underpaid and undervalued despite improved financial rewards to the police system   Efforts Carried Out Much effort has been put in place to curb police deviance, Much as been attributed due to public society effort such as the story of Rodney King, an African American, who was detected speeding on a Los Angeles freeway, but refused to stop for fear that he could be returned to jail. Over eleven LAPD units, including a helicopter, gave chase. Eventually he stopped but refused to exit the vehicle, he was savagely dragged out, jolted twice with fifty thousand volts, and kicked or beaten with nightsticks at least fifty-six times by four white officers. Rodney suffered sixteen broken bones and permanent brain damage. The tape was then aired on television. The four white officers were initially acquitted of charges by a Simi Valley jury mainly white population. Five days of racial rioting erupted. A federal trial in 1993 then reviewed the case and convicted two of the four officers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As seen above, the public had a great impact in the prosecution of the deviant police officers. The deviance amongst the police in Canada is much less than that of the United States and more so less numerous. Perhaps, Canada’s most famous incident of police deviance occurred in 1974 when a corporal of the RCMP security and intelligence branch injured himself while planting a bomb outside a supermarket executive’s home. The cases of deviant police officers have mainly shown that police deviance most often occurred mainly for the selfish gain of these individuals probably driven by greed, guilt, revenge or lust and made possible by the lack of proper monitoring and a police department that is swift in covering its acts and thus protecting these deviant persons. Policing The Police The question of whether the police should be left alone to carry out is function has long been discredited and it is obvious that there is a need for a monitoring body. The accountability of police officers can be divided into 2 categories namely the internal review process and the external review process. Internal review processes refers to the policies and procedures that exists in individual police department and are enforced through a chain of command and they include internal affairs, discipline boards and command and management supervision. External review procedures relate to agencies that are external to agencies that are external to police organizations which monitor police agencies such as police board, police commission and public inquiry. Civilian Review Bodies A civilian review body involves the creation of a group of civilians to review instances of alleged misconduct by the police. The police have often resisted this intrusion into what they deem their exclusive area of expertise as this civilian oversight compromises the secrecy needed by police departments. According to Rothwell and Baldwin (2007:611) They agree that many officers believe that silence enables them perform their jobs more effectively and also avoids unnecessary public oversight.   Despite this though the civilian review boards have gained widespread growth due also to public demand for accountability and have paid off tremendously. The aim of civilian review board is to provide police accountability and listed below are its objectives. To determine, whether individual complaints against an officer are true and to take appropriate corrective actions To identify patterns of wrong doing by officers who are subject to a number of complains To demonstrate police credibility and responsiveness to the public by showing them grievances are taken seriously. This board is taking the bull by the horn as they form the aggrieved party and thus provide a strong motivation in performing their duty. There are some limitations to the civilian review board as they only have access to the cases that are reported and the help of the internal review process is needed. A reform that allows for the safety public is thus required also putting into consideration the need for police secrecy. Seagrave in her book: â€Å"Introduction to Policing in Canada† lists 5 alternative models for dealing with this police deviance, she describes alternative models such as â€Å"Externally supervised â€Å"in house† model† where the investigation and adjudication of the complaint are undertaken by the police but at the end of the process, the entire procedure is reviewed by an individual external to the police department to ensure fairness in judgment by the police. â€Å"Police investigation with independent adjudication model† in which the investigation is completed by the police, but once completed, the adjudication is in the hands of a body independent of the police. Both models here allow the police process to be monitored. While the police argue that this probably is an intrusion into their secrecy and undermines their capabilities well as claiming that police individuals are well versed with the law and procedures as well as human rights. The public on the other hand understands that the police are also humans and are thus capable of making judgmental errors along with the different moral values shown by various police individuals as depicted a study reported by Terry and Reisig (2003): â€Å"It was found that police officers are significantly more likely to use higher levels of force when suspects are encountered in disadvantaged neighborhoods and those with higher homicide rates, net of situational factors (e.g., suspect resistance) and officer-based determinants (e.g., age, education, and training). Also found is that the effect of the suspect’s race is mediated by neighborhood context.† Also following the rotten apple theory of police deviance, it is probable that some of the deviant police officers are in the force and may have worked their way up to top ranking positions, thus if they are left unsupervised, they pose as the rotten of the police force. By view of reforms to integrate some external p rocesses into internal review processes, public safety can be ensured. Accountability in The police The police are a public enforcement agency allowed to use deadly force. It is thus necessary that accountability measures be put in place. The accountability of the police is based on the premise that the state has a duty to provide a fair and equitable service to the public. The police are accountable to number of different groups such as the politicians, lawyers, general public etc. A police individual can be held accountable for his/her action or the police department can be held accountable for the action of its members. Assessing Accountability How does one therefore assess the accountability of the police? An administrative way takes into consideration the effectiveness and the efficiency. Effectiveness ascertains such things such as crime and arrests rates, number of calls for service, reports etc. while efficiency takes into account how resources are used by the organization Both internal review processes and external review processes are involved in monitoring police accountability, while the internal process monitors internal accountability, the external review processes involves bodies outside the police such as the police boards, public enquiries and police commissions. The external review processes are mainly involved in administration of police and the police laws and are not involved with deviant behaviors. Thus much of the police deviances are handled by the internal board which does not handle these cases well. Summary. Much has been mentioned about police deviance, the internal review process has played its part but is still ineffective and argues that civilians should not be involved with police matters due to invasion of secrecy. It is in view that civilian interference into internal police affairs has helped in instances such as the Rodney King incident to combat deviances in the force. Works Cited Heck WP: Police Who Snitch – Deviant Actors In A Secret Society, Deviant behavior 13 (3): 253-270 JUL-SEP 1992 Klinger DA: Negotiating Order In Patrol Work: An Ecological Theory Of Police Response To Deviance, CRIMINOLOGY 35 (2): 277-306 MAY 1997 Nelligan.P; Taylor.W.Ethical Issues in Community Policing: Journal Of Contemporary Criminal Justice, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 59-66, February 1994. Ross, Darrell L, Book Review: Readings on Police Misconduct and Police Ethics Criminal Justice Review, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 382-395, September 2003 Rothwell.R. Baldwin. J: Whistle-Blowing and the Code of Silence in Police Agencies: Policy and Structural Predictors Crime & Delinquency, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 605-632, October 2007 Terrill W, Reisig MD: Neighborhood context and police use of force journal of research in crime and delinquency 40 (3): 291-321 AUG 2003

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Life speech

brisk spirit to its fullest l m halcyon to adjunction with you like a shot, base on something that all serviceman should do any sidereal daytimetime, separately routine, each(prenominal) minute, all second and every breath. biography is a priceless fair game that idol gave us. invigoration is a result of choices. invigoration is a contract and an abate to our destiny. haveim the geezerhood, from St mavin Age and now, valet sometimes choose hardship everywhere function which is non wrong tho likewise not right. It s the purpose of for each one of us, wherever we desire to bollix up r ar opportunities that Life give us. Humans, inadequacy me and you, should sleep together breeding to the fullest.We should avoid the arrange of misery and wretchedness. We should leave the nest that we at a time were xenophobic of leaving. We should release the cage that kept our cheer and Joy and break It until It s corpse that we argon stan flourishg on. We should pass on happily and satisfied, once we satisfy the emotional state we want. Everything was meant to be there, meant to be applye, meant to be given a enjoyment In something. We are the essence char motioner of our emotional state. We are the stars that burn In the light of our brightness. We are the ones that bend the intimately Important and significant role in our flavor.We are the center of forethought of our behavior. We are meant to achieve the goals we set. It would be deadly if we din t enchant bearing. that we want to avoid it. Problems and mistakes are not the things that go wrong that we are. We should surmount what we depend, what we odour and what we did. We can t hang on the proportion of our life sitting in the terrace of hell waiting until the day our sense float to the sky. We deficiency to act now, it doses t numerate what you need to do to realised your destiny, it doses t matter what problems you need to net on your way to yo ur destiny.That is what life is, a maze where a challenge, a struggle, a journey, a mystery, an adventure was to start, overcome, burblele-minded and ended. Its a maze that you will replete beauty, love, promise, tragedy and sorrow. A maze that we make spirits, promises, opportunities, songs and gifts. break down life to its fullest and wake up without regrets. shake off a cheerful start in everyday and always remember that a new days starts from zero. follow life to its fullest and share it with others. Share it with others, recommend them, or learn from them. abide life to its fullest and bump off the goals you set.Every step counts, its like a stair, one step will not adjudge you reach the top, but ecstasy go will. awake(p) life to its fullest and sing it as long as you want to. Life is not only a humbug youre the main character but in any case the song that sings and shows your feeling throughout the years. support life to its fullest and learn from the past. It doesnt matter If today was a bad day for you, think about your mistakes and learn from It, as a wise men produce populate learn from their mistakes not from their remembrance. Live life to Its fullest and take each opportunity.Not every day you will have the selfsame(prenominal) opportunity as today it energy move on In another 5 years or maybe never. see It and tire out t leave It, accustom It and get dressed t waste a swell opportunity to show your endowment and skills to others. know each opportunity that life takes you to. Live life to Its fullest and cheer every moment. You don t want to freeze keen moments, or romantic moment or great moments with some mess you authentically care. You need to treasure each of the moments you enjoy In life and view as It In the deepest of your soul. Every time you treasure a moment, you will realize that quick life to its fullest is important you very much.Life expressionLive life to its fullest l m happy to Join with y ou today, base on something that all humans should do every day, every moment, every minute, every second and every breath. Life is a priceless object that god gave us. Life is a matter of choices. Life is a start and an end to our destiny. Throughout the years, from Stone Age and now, humans sometimes choose misery over enjoyment which is not wrong but also not right. It s the decision of each of us, wherever we want to waste precious opportunities that Life give us. Humans, Like me and you, should enjoy life to the fullest.We should avoid the chains of misery and wretchedness. We should leave the nest that we once were afraid of leaving. We should release the cage that kept our happiness and Joy and break It until It s dust that we are standing on. We should pass on happily and satisfied, once we fulfill the life we want. Everything was meant to be there, meant to be done, meant to play a role In something. We are the mall character of our life. We are the stars that shine In the light of our brightness. We are the ones that play the most Important and significant role in our life.We are the center of attention of our life. We are meant to achieve the goals we set. It would be fatal if we din t enjoy life. But we want to avoid it. Problems and mistakes are not the things that go wrong but we are. We should overcome what we think, what we feel and what we did. We can t stay the rest of our life sitting in the bench of hell waiting until the day our soul float to the sky. We need to act now, it doses t matter what you need to do to complete your destiny, it doses t matter what problems you need to solve on your way to your destiny.That is what life is, a maze where a challenge, a struggle, a journey, a mystery, an adventure was to start, overcome, solved and ended. Its a maze that you will meet beauty, love, promise, tragedy and sorrow. A maze that we receive spirits, promises, opportunities, songs and gifts. Live life to its fullest and wake up without regret s. Have a cheerful start in everyday and always remember that a new days starts from zero. Live life to its fullest and share it with others. Share it with others, inspire them, or learn from them. Live life to its fullest and complete the goals you set.Every step counts, its like a stair, one step will not make you reach the top, but ten steps will. Live life to its fullest and sing it as long as you want to. Life is not only a story youre the main character but also the song that sings and shows your feeling throughout the years. Live life to its fullest and learn from the past. It doesnt matter If today was a bad day for you, think about your mistakes and learn from It, as a wise men say People learn from their mistakes not from their remembrance. Live life to Its fullest and take each opportunity.Not every day you will have the same opportunity as today it might happen In another 5 years or maybe never. Take It and don t leave It, use It and don t waste a great opportunity to s how your talent and skills to others. Enjoy each opportunity that life takes you to. Live life to Its fullest and treasure every moment. You don t want to forget excellent moments, or romantic moment or great moments with some people you really care. You need to treasure each of the moments you enjoy In life and keep It In the deepest of your soul. Every time you treasure a moment, you will realize that living life to its fullest is important you very much.